ECCLESIASTICAL STATISTICS., This state comprises the Dioceses of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Sault Sainte Marie, and Marquette. It has 3 bishops, 466 priests, 412 ecclesiastical students, 306 churches, 193 missions, 208 stations and chapels, 2 seminaries, 8 orphan asylums, 1 infant asylum, 48,059...
Francis Xavier of Parma; residence, Siang-ch’eng; prefect Apostolic, Lodovico Calza; 8 priests, 1055 Christians, 2000 catechumens, 8 churches and chapels. (4) Southern Hu-nan, erected 1856; Franciscans; residence, Sean-sa-van, near Heng-thou; vicar Apostolic, Pellegrino Luigi Mondaini, ...