He preached in almost every district in Ireland, confounded in argument the druids and won the people from their side; he built, it is said, 365 churches and consecrated an equal number of bishops, established schools and convents, and held synods; and when he died the whole machinery of...
Many churches, however, during the Middle Ages and later (Brev. Monaster., 1830), on Low Sunday (Dominica in Albis) repeated the short Nocturn of Easter Week. Before the usus Romanoe Curioe (Bäumer, Brev., 319) was spread by the Franciscans over the entire Church the eighteen (or ...
He was also a tireless builder of Churches and Monasteries which helped strengthen the presence of the Church. One of his major contributions was the foundation of the Monastery of St Maurice on the Werder in the Town of Minden. The Monastery was an important centre of culture, education and ...
Public gatherings, including church services and Mass are all going on-line and what I am finding is there seems to be an influx of churches and businesses getting into the social media “business.” Perhaps it’s becoming the “new normal,” at least temporarily. I am in a Lenten frame...
and fellow-labourer of St. Paul. Of him St. Paul is supposed to speak: (2 Corinthians viii. 18.) We have sent also with him (Titus) the brother, whose praise is in the gospel, through all churches: and again, Luke, the most dear physician, saluteth you: (Colossians iv.) and, ...
Should the Catechism of the Catho- lic Church be studied in the Eastern Catholic Churches, including our own Byzantine Catholic Church? If we look closely at the content of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the answer to this question must be a resounding YES! In his Encyclical Orientale...
He is not dead and remembered only by name, as Diocletian is, but he lives in the Church, be lives in the hearts of the Christians who venerate him; to his honour churches and altars have been erected all over the world. Diocletian is a poor wretch who once believed he could stamp ...
Another foundation in the Diocese of Lyons was made in 1633, when Pere Vital de Saint-Paul, an Oratorian, and his sister presented the two churches of St.-Roth and Val Jesus, situated in the parish of Chambre, to d’Antoine. In the following year Louis XIII gave his formal consent by...
In both these kingdoms (i.e. Hirah and Ghassan) Christianity made rapid progress, and numerous Christian communities, with bishops, churches, and monasteries, flourished there. (For CHRISTIANITY IN ARABIA, see below.) Another Arabian kingdom was that of Kindah, originally from Irak, or ...
Popular Destinations in Kenya Discover Nairobi, Mombasa, Mount Kenya and Lake Turkana. Nairobi Mombasa Mount Kenya Lake TurkanaA journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles. - Tim Cahill Curious Places to DiscoverExplore unique churches from around the globe. ...