He preached in almost every district in Ireland, confounded in argument the druids and won the people from their side; he built, it is said, 365 churches and consecrated an equal number of bishops, established schools and convents, and held synods; and when he died the whole machinery of...
St. Robert, his two immediate successors, and their companions had but one object in view: a reaction against the laxity of Cluny and of other monasteries—to resume manual labor, to adapt a more severe regimen, and to restore in monastic churches and church ceremonies the gravity and ...
The Catholic Church, the Eastern Rites in union with Rome, and all the Orthodox Churches venerate St. Athanasius as a great saint and designate specific feast days for him. He belongs to all of us. The deacon’s stole in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church that are in union with ...
Benkendorf, an emergency medicine physician from Palm Coast, Fla., reported injuries suffered by three patients and the death of one patient who developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome within two weeks of her COVID vaccine. A 75-year-old man developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome within two weeks of gett...
In both these kingdoms (i.e. Hirah and Ghassan) Christianity made rapid progress, and numerous Christian communities, with bishops, churches, and monasteries, flourished there. (For CHRISTIANITY IN ARABIA, see below.) Another Arabian kingdom was that of Kindah, originally from Irak, or ...
(867-1057) availed not against the continuous pressure of fresh hordes from the far East, and the middle of the eleventh century saw two fatal events, almost contemporaneous and intimately connected, the final separation of the Greek and Latin churches (1040), and the conquest of Asia Minor ...
Before the arbitrary imposition of the Byzantine Rite on all Orthodox Churches no Eastern patriarch would have tolerated a foreign liturgy in his domain. All Egypt used the Alexandrine Rite, all Syria that of Antioch–Jerusalem, all Asia Minor, Greece, and the Balkan lands, that of ...
She spent this last part of her life in ardent devotion at the Holy Places, in beautifying the city and building churches. She rebuilt the walls along the south so as to include the Ceenaculum within the city. On the north she built the church of St. Stephen at the traditional place ...