Northern Maine Catholic churches merge Brownville Junction parish closesJUDY HARRISONOF THE NEWS STAFF
Padua, Diocese of (PATAVINA), Northern Italy. The city is situated on a fertile plain, and is surrounded and traversed by the Bachiglione River. Its streets are...
St. Robert, his two immediate successors, and their companions had but one object in view: a reaction against the laxity of Cluny and of other monasteries—to resume manual labor, to adapt a more severe regimen, and to restore in monastic churches and church ceremonies the gravity and ...
This essay examines the politics of the Catholic Interracial Council (CIC) and Mexican American activism in Iowa from the 1950s to the 1970s. As a national church body, the CIC worked to bridge the racial chasm that existed in black and white Catholic churches in places like New York and ...
Justin McLellan (CNS) Doubling down on the centrality of synodality in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said that it is now up to local churches to accept and implement proposals from the final document approved the Synod of Bishops on synodality. Approved by the Pope, the synod’s final...
Tradition holds that during his Papacy he determined the various prerogatives of the clergy and defined the grades of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Hyginus also instituted Godparents at Baptism to assist the baptised during their Christian life. In addition, he decreed, that all Churches be ...
This arrogance alone should give us pause. Yet some of the mainline churches in the United States have become involved in eccentric forms of the environmentalist movement. In its most extreme form, environmentalism worships nature as the goddess Gaia, while speaking of human beings as if they we...
the diocese of derry is a diocese in both the republic of ireland & northern ireland. Unternehmen Derry Diocese Branche Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft > Glaube und Überzeugungen 00:00:32 #7 we help people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality. ...
In Northern Galilee, are numerous ruins whose style of architecture and inscriptions are indications of synagogues of the second and, maybe, the first century A.D. The Franciscans are now engaged in the restoration of the ruined synagogue of Tel Hum, the site of ancient Capharnaum. This ...
Malcolm and Margaret rebuilt the venerable monastery of Iona, and founded churches in various parts of the kingdom; and during their reign the Christian faith was established in the islands lying off the northern and western coasts of Scotland, inhabited by Norsemen. Malcolm was killed in ...