All other churches aforesaid are hereby denied the use of other missals, which are to be wholly and entirely rejected; and by this present Constitution, which shall have the force of law in perpetuity. We order and enjoin under pain of Our displeasure that nothing be added to Our newly ...
Manychurches in the Bernese Jura and in Geneva were returned to the Catholics, frequently, though, under great material sacrifice by the latter. The Old Catholic movement in Switzerland, as everywhere else, began very soon to decline. Of late years the attempt has been made in different Swiss...
The Protestants possess eight large churches, of which the Grossmunster and the Fraumunster are of much historical interest. The Catholics have three churches and various chapels, and two new churches are in course of construction; they are cared for by twenty-four priests. Zurich is ...
Popular Destinations in Switzerland Discover Zurich, Berne, Geneva and Basel. Zurich Berne Geneva BaselA journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles. - Tim Cahill Curious Places to DiscoverExplore unique churches from around the globe. ...
By his energy and perseverance he induced a considerable immigration to the province, and left at his death, in 1840, forty-eight churches attended by thirty priests. The memory that survives him is that of a great missionary, prelate and patriot — often referred to as the “Apostle of ...
The Reformation was publicly proclaimed at Chur in 1524, and the two Catholic churches of St. Martin and St. Regula were given over to the Protestants, who retain possession of them to this day. The bishop fled, and his administrator, Abbot Theodor Schlegel, was publicly beheaded (January 1...
That churches and monasteries were built at Charlemagne‘s expense is attested by a sort of a census of the monasteries of Jerusalem dated 808 (“Commemoratio de Casis Dei” in “Itiner. Hieros.”, I, 209). In 870, at the time of the pilgrim-age of Bernard the Monk (Itiner. Hiero...
Italy.—In ancient times Italy had several other names: it was called Saturnia, in honor of Saturn; Enotria, wine-producing land; Ausonia, land of the Ausonians;...
Boniface VIII adjusted their relations in the Bull “Super cathedram” of February 18, 1300, granting the mendicants freedom to preach in their own churches and in public places, but not at the time when the prelate of the district was preaching. For the hearing of confessions, the ...
We may judge of their numbers and influence by the fact that Friar Odoric, about 1324, found three Nestorian churches in the city of Yang-Chou, but soon afterwards they fell into decay. Evidence of their existence was found by the Jesuits at the beginning of the seventeenth century. ...