We know that before the end of the ninth century both boys and girls attended the schools attached to the parish churches in the Diocese of Soissons. As time went on the establishment and maintenance of schools by the Church was made a matter of express canonical enactment. No document ...
Police Chief Calls Newchurch Archbishop of Milwaukee a Liar Says He Is "More Interested in Protecting the [Newchurch] Organization than in Protecting Children"From: The Fathers Police Chief Jerry Matysik, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, charged Newchurch archbishop Jerome Listecki, now of Milwaukee, ...
Bishopof Milwaukee. In June, 1873, this congregation was affiliated to the Order ofMinorConventuals, and Pius X on December 6, 1911, gave it its definite approbation. Sisters, 303; novices, 22; postulants, 30; academy, 1; orphanage, 1; institute for deaf mutes, 1; for feeble minded...
Weakland of Milwaukee wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post in which he said that Wisconsin's welfare plan, much ballyhooed by Republican welfare proponents, was "not morally justifiable", angering Tommy Thompson, the governor of Wisconsin and architect of the plan.[48,49]. The...