Another convention was held in the same place in November, 1785, and a provisional Constitution was put into operation. The new state was called “Frankland, the Land of the Free”. The name was soon after changed or recognized as “Franklin”, when or by whom cannot be accurately ...
All other churches aforesaid are hereby denied the use of other missals, which are to be wholly and entirely rejected; and by this present Constitution, which shall have the force of law in perpetuity. We order and enjoin under pain of Our displeasure that nothing be added to Our newly ...
Western Kentucky, particularly west of the Tennessee River, is low and sandy. The mean annual temperature is about 55° Fahrenheit. Extremes of cold and heat are infrequent and of short duration. The mean rainfall is 46 inches, with a somewhat greater precipitation along the southern border. ...
Legislation Directly Affecting Religion.—By statute (enacted in 1881 and now in force) “Clergymen, as to confessions or admissions made to them in the course of the discipline enjoined by their respective churches, shall not be competent witnesses.” By statute (enacted in 1891 and in force...