The principal banks are the Bank of Spain; the Bank of Barcelona, the Banco Hipotecario, the Sociedad Tabacalera de Filipinas, etc. The first-class. maritime custom-houses are those of Aguilas, Alicante, Almeria, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cadiz, Carril, Cartagena, Corunna, Gijon, Grao de Valencia,...
Navarre.— The territory formerly known as Navarre now belongs to two nations, Spain and France, according as it lies south or north of the Western Pyrenees. Spa...
Barcelona, and Lérida; S. and W. by Lérida, which includes most of thediocese, the latter, however, extends to some towns ofGerona,Huesca, and the valleys of Andorra. The capital, Seo de Urgel, is situated in the northern part ofLérida, between the Segre and Balira, ...
Catholic Baptism gifts, Spain, Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife, Majorca,Valencia, La Oliva, Seville, Llanes, Granada, USA. April 2023 Month of the Holy Spirit Catholic gifts in, Perth, Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Australia, Canada, Beverly, Toronto, United States, rosary, rosar...
he was also the President of the Victorian Council of Churches, when I was the Lutheran member of the executive. We attended a lot of meetings together, and always found we had much in common. I well remember the day when he ordained my friend Tony (who sits at this table sharing the...
In 1912 the diocese of Teruel comprised the civil province of the same name, excepting the town of Bechi (Castellón). All the churches of Teruel are contemporary with its foundation (1176), as the founders built nine churches, one, Santa Maria de Mediavilla, in the centre, and the ...
I really admire those who come out on their apartment balconies in big cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Sevilla to applaud medical workers. In this way, the local people are helping medical professionals fight COVID-19 by being supportive of them. Like the local people, I have to stay indo...
In any case, Anthony soon broaden his state of mind and understanding when in 1952 he was sent for three years to study philosophy in Barcelona, Spain and was also sent to study psychology and counseling at Loyola University in Chicago. He was soon inspired by the psychology of Carl Rogers...
Internal dissensions and the competition of Genoa and Barcelona brought about the decay of Pisan commerce. To remedy financial evils, the duties on merchandise were increased, which, however, produced a greater loss, for Florence abandoned the port of Pisa. In 1400 Galeazzo Visconti bought Pisa ...
Martiniquein theCaribbean,French GuianainSouth America, and colonialMarylandandLouisianain theUnited States. Jesuit missions contributed to the spread of deadly European diseases among Indigenous populations and relied on the labor of enslaved Indigenous and African people. Many Jesuit missions, churches, ...