Dear brothers. I hope this email finds you well. I was born and raised a mormon and I served a mission for the LDS church a year and a half ago which was cut off early due to " Covid". The events of this past year and 1/2 have really opened my eyes to the true evil in thi...
The Mass is celebrated in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church, used as a liturgical language in the West since as early as the first century. The unchanging nature of the Latin language has preserved the orthodox doctrine of the Mass, handed down from the the Apostles ...
Union of Christendom.—The Catholic Church is by far the largest, the most widespread, and the most ancient of Christian communions in the world, and is moreover the mighty trunk from which the other communions claiming to be Christian have broken off at one time or another. If, then, ...
The wisdom of God is exactly such that the Lord creates us to be in relationship with him in order to bring light not only to our lives but to the world. Every year the Church gives us these four weeks so that we might remember in an intense way what we should be living every day...
(Hebrew: MSNH, “repetition”, translated by the Fathers of the Church Greek: deuterosis). The word is a substantive formation from the root, SNH, “to repeat”. From this meaning was developed, in the language of the later schools, the characteristic method of all teaching and learning,...
He was a Conventual Franciscan friar and Guardian (leader, administrator) of Niepokalanow, then the world’s largest friary and a major Catholic media center. It is located some distance west of Warsaw, Poland. He was canonized a saint by the Church in October 1982. ...
LeRoy Andrews Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 808-964-1240 WEST HAWAII VICARIATE Marjorie Fujimoto St. Benedict Church 808-217-6054 KAUAI VICARIATE Michael Cruz St. Catherine Church/School 808-822-7900 MAUI VICARIATE Sr. Angie Laurenzo, CSJ Christ the King Church 808-877-6098 The aim of ...
the Western Church Fathers initially rejected it until the 13th century when its contents were incorporated into Jacobus de Voragine’s “Golden Legend”. After this point, the story of St. Anne became widely known across the West and she evolved into one of the Latin Church’s most venerated...
And, by the way, never in the history of the Church, East or West, was there a tradition of celebrating Mass facing the people. Never, ever, until 1969. It happened occasionally in Germany, in between the wars; it was done sometimes at the castle where Romano Guardini would have his ...
The late columnist Joseph Sobran, a Roman Catholic, summed up the danger of Christians conforming to the world’s thinking: “It can be exalting to belong to a church that is five hundred years behind the times and sublimely indifferent to fashion; it is mortifying to belong to a church...