WARNING. All Newchurch diocesan services, whether in Latin or in the vulgar tongues, are invalid under the principles of traditional Catholic theology and should, therefore, be scrupulously avoided by the faithful as heretical, sacriligious, and adolatrous. Moreover, the "Extraordinary" service ...
Morm Jul 22, 2010 #41 missed one sudo said: To say that the Church does not attempt to change itself for the better does not take into account the history of the Church. It started out as an underground cult, then it became the backbone of western civilization, and eventually morph...
Before his death, after urgent appeals, he had consented to receive the last Sacraments of the Church. The woman, short and plain, finally asked the inevitable: ‘Where is his soul, Padre? I haven’t slept, worrying.’ Padre Pio watched her with troubled eyes. He could almost feel her ...
@church_tips: Sister Janet Mead, who turned the Lord’s Prayer into a '70s rock hit, has died - 3 years ago @patty_guynn: RIP. Sister Janet Mead: The Lords Prayer (1974) - 3 years ago @RoxxsFisher: Sister Janet Mead Dies: Nun Who Turned ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Into Internatio...
Well, those words can have different meanings. It is very interesting to find out what the Pope thinks they mean, as he tells us what he believes God is calling the Church to do in the liturgy in the new millennium. First, he talks about the fullness of participation. “The sharing of...
Like many Catholics these days, my mind has been so full of the Church’s sexual abuse scandal that I hardly know what to do. I hardly know what to write. I hardly know where to begin. But over and again as I read the accounts of abuse and cover-up, I return to one elemental, ...
State Attacks Church in San Fancisco Rod Dreher posts on the culture wars here We can’t say we haven’t been warned: If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, ...
WILLIAM HEMSWORTH, M.Div is a husband, a father, an author, columnist and a powerful evangelist for our Catholic Faith. Our choice of an A ‘Vitamin’ is AWAKEN (number 2)… and William did awaken to the True Church but first … ...
The Jesuits had four churches at Peking: The Northern or French church (Pe-t’ang), the Southern or Portuguese church (Nan-t’ang), the Western church (Si-t’ang), and the Eastern church (Tung-t’ang), the old house of Adam Schall. The two beautiful cemeteries of the Jesuits outsid...
The Church has the authority to apply the merits of Christ’s Sacrifice and of the saints to relieve temporal punish due to sin through indulgences. While individual bishops can grant some indulgences for his subjects, this is done for the universal Church through the Apostolic Penitentiary. As ...