The question of women’s admission to the diaconate profoundly engages ecclesiology, sacramental theology, and the Church’s fidelity to divine revelation. This issue, which has garnered increased theological attention, especially in light of the Synod on[...] ...
New Blesseds in the Church: The Ulma Family from Poland Catholic Digest Sep 12, 2023 0 An entire family has been beatified, that is, raised to the step before official canonization. The beatification took place on Sunday, September 10, 2023. From Vatican News: The nine members of the ...
Timely, compelling, trustworthy news and information about the Catholic faith, the church, Diocese of Rochester, parishes & charitable works.
Dear brothers. I hope this email finds you well. I was born and raised a mormon and I served a mission for the LDS church a year and a half ago which was cut off early due to " Covid". The events of this past year and 1/2 have really opened my eyes to the true evil in thi...
The mission statement for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta states, “Our schools are committed to providing an excellent education in an environment of spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical formation in accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Schools...
These issues are discussed on a daily basis in the E-Exchanges section of our site, which is found on our homepage. Also, our main sections on “Antipopes Francis, B16, JPII, etc.” and Outside the Church There is No Salvation, Vatican II, etc. contain many things which are ...
Reports on the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' guidelines on Catholic colleges' adherence to church teachings. Rules on hiring and appointments; Presidents' fidelity; Theologians' relationship to the church.McMurtrieBethEBSCO_AspChronicle of Higher Education...
CommonSpirit Health announced in 2021 it would partner with Ask Tia to create “a new front door to health care for women.” The partnership, uncovered by the pro-life organization Save the Storks, “enables the two health care leaders to launch Tia-branded women’s health clinics together th...
In Today's Catholic World (TCW) is a True Catholic news service dedicated to presenting & important news stories with commentary, articles, and quotes from the Saints and Catholic Devotions to encourage The True Faithful, members of the Church in Ecl
Church ladies were scandalized,but the bishop could have dealt with it quietly. Instead, heput Gigantiello on blast, and the incident made international news. Adams allies arguethat’s what’s happening here. The investigation doesn’t have an immediate apparent connection to ...