These "New Latin" services are in the process of being severely restricted and canceled by the Newchurch of the New Order under the decree Traditionis custodes of July 16, 2021. The Registry also lists traditional Catholic organizations, seminaries, religious orders, lay societies, periodicals, ...
We ask for nothing better than to be declared out of communion with this adulterous spirit which has been blowing in the Church for the last 25 years; we ask for nothing better than to be declared outside of this impious communion of the ungodly... To be publicly associated with this s...
Last night, I was lucky enough to be able to attend a talk that St John the Baptist in New Brighton offered where I could hear Steve in person. What a thrill! He lays the truth out about the Catholic Church being the One True Church in such a simple-to-express format that now I ...
Courogen, Chris A
in diverse places ofEngland“. Finally deterred by conscience from the cure of souls and reduced to destitution, he sought a small readership as a bare subsistence. To obtain this he approached the patron’s wife, aCatholiclady, who induced him to be reconciled to theChurch. After some ...
Novena for God’s Blessings- God is goodness itself. Every good thing in our lives is a blessing from God. Novena for Good Friday- Good Friday is a very significant day in the life of the Church. It is the day on which we commemorate the death of Our Lord on the cross ...
Several times the hermits were driven from Carmel, but they always found means to return; they even built a new monastery in 1263 (in conformity with the revised rule) and a comparatively large church, which was still visible towards the end of the fifteenth century. However, the position ...