The Mass is celebrated in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church, used as a liturgical language in the West since as early as the first century. The unchanging nature of the Latin language has preserved the orthodox doctrine of the Mass, handed down from the the Apostles ...
Anne, at Church Point, with 18 professors and 180 pupils (French and English), and St. Mary, at Halifax, with 7 professors and 80 pupils. D. Province of New Brunswick.—As had been the case in Nova Scotia, the first Catholic schools in New Brunswick were opened by Catholic missionaries...
We proclaim the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, celebrate His sacraments, and perform His works of mercy so that all might share in His salvation and experience eternal happiness with Him.
When Canada became a British dependency, the Catholic Church ceased to be the State Church. Governmental favor was now transferred to Anglicanism, which strove to acquire on Canadian soil the position it occupied in Great Britain. This gave rise to a constant friction between the two religions, ...
Methodism, a religious movement which was originated in 1739 by John Wesley in the Anglican Church, and subsequently gave rise to numerous separate denomination...
The Catholic Church and Catholic theology have always maintained that by such an explanation St. Matthew would be made to contradict Sts. Mark, Luke, and Paul, and the converts instructed by these latter would have been brought into error in regard to the real doctrine of Christ. As this ...