Ash Wednesday service is not mandatory in the Catholic Church, so going to Mass is a personal choice. However, many Catholics observe this day by attending Mass and receiving ashes on their forehead. The priest may say the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,...
Welcome to Zieglers - family owned since 1929! Our Catholic store offers religious gifts, church supplies, Catholic books, music, clergy apparel, and more.
Church Teachings Catholic Company Magazine Articles FAQs About Lent Lent is coming and we know you've got questions! From Ash Wednesday to fasting rules, from no-meat Fridays to the real meaning of "almsgiving," we've got you covered right here. And if you can't find the answer to your...
Church Teachings Catholic Company Magazine Articles FAQs About Lent Lent is coming and we know you've got questions! From Ash Wednesday to fasting rules, from no-meat Fridays to the real meaning of "almsgiving," we've got you covered right here. And if you can't find the answer to your...
The Catholic Church observes the “Adoration of the Cross” during the Good Friday Celebration of thePassion of the Lord. In this ritual, the faithful approach the cross, often adorned with flowers, and venerate it with reverent gestures, such as kissing or genuflecting. It is a powerful ritu...
We are a welcoming, friendly and inclusive Old Catholic church that gathers to worship Christ and make Christ known. We are a parish of the Independent Old Catholic Church.
February this year is a transitional month as far as the Church year is concerned. After two Sundays of Ordinary Time, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 17. The liturgical color transitions from green to the penitential violet. As the season of Lent in preparation for Ea...
ChurchCommunityEvangelisationJesuitsLentMinistryOutreach Mission to Hope Lent Campaign 2024: ‘Mission to Hope’ Happy Ash Wednesday, a date which marks the start of our latest Lenten campaign!This year, our campaign is entitled ‘Mission to Hope’ and it… ...
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent in the Roman Catholic Church and many Catholics attend Mass to be marked with ashes as a sign of their own mortality. While all Roman Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass on Ash Wednesday in order to begin the Lenten season with the proper attit...
Oct 1 Wednesday Church Library Month Religious Books, Catholic, Christian Oct 2 Thursday Bring Your Bible To School Day Religious Catholic, Children, Christian Guardian Angel Day Religious Catholic, Christian Oct 4 Saturday St. Francis of Assisi Feast Day Religious Appreciation, Catholic, Chr...