February 23, 2025 - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Catholic Daily Reflections from My Catholic Life! The Church Shall Always Prevail Saturday, February 22, 2025 - Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle—Feast - Catholic Daily Reflections from My Catholic Life!
If it was commanded in the law of the most high God, how can humans change God’s perfect law? Answer: It is important to remember the Church does not consider Sunday to be the Sabbath. As the Catechism notes: Sunday is expressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows ...
John 19:31-33: “Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day),the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came and broke the...
The Catholic American Thinker intends to hold American Catholic bishop's feet to the fire. With sites like the Catholic American Thinker as the hammer and our blessed Catechism of the Catholic Church as the anvil, perhaps some of America's bishops will either change for the better, or get th...
It takes the claim of the plain-tiff, stated broadly, to be that “the Bible, and religion with all its ordinances, including the Sabbath, are as effectually abolished by the Constitution as they were in France during the Revolution, and so effectually abolished that duties may not be ...
God Bless… You are a Light in This Darkness and This Video Was a Confirmation to Me About What I Should Do. Blessings and Keep Up What You Are Doing!!! Lourdes Vilar Rate The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax Death rate flat 2018 through 2020. No appreciable change (raw number decreased ...
MESSAGE FROM GOD THE FATHERTO LUZ DE MARIAFEBRUARY 8, 2025 Dear beloved children, I AM YOUR FATHER AND I LOVE YOU. I LOOK AT YOU AND PROTECT YOU WHEN YOUR FREE WILL ALLOWS ME TO DO SO. My House has called you to a change of life, and so this mission began in order that you ma...
Sabbath In New Testament Introduction Who is the Antichrist Today? Many would be surprised to know that the answer to the question ofwho is the antichrist today, is the same as who Paul and John were referring to nearly 2000 years ago. So why is the entire world today looking for some ...
Keeping Holy the Sabbath To Fast or Not to Fast Being a Witness of Christ Discerning the Will of God An Act of the Greatest Charity Be Made Clean More Demons Driven Out Confronting the Evil One “You are My Beloved Son” A Manifestation to the World ...
“I”. Many great Greek historians did this, so Luke is following the highest models he could find…It was Jesus’ habit to go to the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day. There must have been many things with which he radically disagreed and which grated on him – yet he went. And what he...