Apostles’ Creed, a formula containing in brief statements, or “articles,” the fundamental tenets of Christian belief, and having for its autho...
宗徒信經 Apostles Creed宗徒信經(文言文) 我信全能者天主聖父,化成天地。我信唯一聖子、耶穌基利斯督我等主。我信其因聖神降孕,生於瑪利亞之童身。我信其受難,於般雀比辣多居官時,被釘十字架,死而乃瘞。我信其降地獄,第三日自死者中復活。我信其升天,坐於全能者天主聖父之右。我信其日後從彼而來,...
This fascinating summary of Catholic beliefs examines the Apostles' Creed as both a treasury of faith and an invitation to entrust oneself more completely to God. Noted Washington, D.C. pastor and teacher Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi...Peter J. Vaghi...
宗徒信经 Apostles Creed 宗徒信经(文言文) 我信全能者天主圣父,化成天地。我信唯一圣子、耶稣基利斯督我等主。我信其因圣神降孕,生于玛利亚之童身。我信其受难,于般雀比辣多居官时,被钉十字架,死而乃瘗。我信其降地狱,第三日自死者中復活。我信其升天,坐于全能者天主圣父之右。我信其日后从彼而来,...