Great Ideas for AdventRead More » The Meaning of Advent Candles in the Catholic Church Beliefs,Blog/About Catholics Team During the Advent season, it’s customary in the Catholic Church to bring out their Advent candles and have an advent wreath in our homes, and parishes. This Advent Wr...
The illustrations are engaging and evoke a sense of nostalgia for this mom. The story is great at introducing not only the Christmas story through scripture but the rich Advent traditions of the Advent wreath and creche. I do think this book would be a great gift from grandparents to read a...
Advent with King David by Jake Frost My wife and I sat on the couch, the room dark except for a strand of colored lights wound around the Christmas tree and the flickering candles in the Advent wreath. We’d just finished reading our Advent reflection and saying the Rosary. Now we sat ...
This book follows a Catholic family as they celebrate Christmas Eve leading into Christmas Day. Families will recognize things like an Advent wreath and a statue of Mary in the home within the story, and it is always a joy for me as a mother to see our faith represented so beautifully and...
Advent Wreath We all see Advent wreaths in our parish, but do you put one in your home? You should! Think about lighting candles during dinner or while reading advent meditations fromDivine Intimacyor another good devotional. O Antiphons ...
The third Sunday of Advent is celebrated as Gaudete Sunday and it marks the middle of the Advent season. In ecclesiastical Latin, “gaudete” means “rejoice” and is symbolized by the rose-colored candle in the Advent wreath. This Sunday’s reading from St. Paul may give you a sense of...
Lent is coming and we know you've got questions! From Ash Wednesday to fasting rules, from no-meat Fridays to the real meaning of "almsgiving," we've got you covered right here. And if you can't find the answer to your Lenten question below, drop us... ...
Advent 3–Impossibilities Posted onDecember 19, 2024|1 comment This season seems permeated with impossibilities like the dead stump of Jesse budding. Even if we could wrap our minds around the idea of God becoming human, it’s an even longer leap to see ourselves as God’s children, heirs ...
12 Inch Premium USA Advent Candle Set Tapers 3 Purple 1 Pink $4.77 Emerald Tribute CD $20.00 Christmas Novena Prayer to Obtain Favors Laminated Prayer Card $0.99 Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body ...
The Light of Christmas Morning.I have not only purchased this gift for our children, but I also have gifted it to several others! This book follows a Catholic family as they celebrate Christmas Eve leading into Christmas Day. Families will recognize things like an Advent wreath and a statue ...