Granted some of these outings were tasks that we needed to take care of but many were just activities that filled our daily lives and gave it meaning. The reality is that our world has changed and we may have not caught up to the fact as to how much. With this type of lifestyle, ...
by Kendra | Dec 2, 2017 | Advent, Catholic Living, December, Liturgical Year | 6 Comments Advent starts tomorrow! And that means tonight is Catholic New Year's Eve, so break out the champagne! If, like me, you are not quite ready to, um, get ready, I thought I'd share this quick...
The juxtaposition of Christmas joy with the slaughter of the innocents three days later might seem a downer. Or, it’s the deeper meaning of the feast. Finally, an answer to our pain: One who shares it, is born into exile and the power of stupid thugs which may be delayed at his bir...
The Mass and The Manger contains full page flaps that open up to reveal beautiful illustrations. As children interact with the flaps, they will discover that each scene from the nativity has a parallel in the Mass, leading them deeper into the true meaning of Christmas. Purchase The Mass and...
After John’s arrival, he thanked God for the opportunityto stop thinking about himselfand tolistencarefully.And he thanked the Holy Spirit for the courage and compassion toask questions with evangelizing potential. Questions that touch upon the meaning of a person’s life. Questions that uncover...
The consecrator then recites a prayer in which allusion is made to the symbolical meaning of the chalice and paten, the former of which, according to Benedict XIV (De Sacrificio Missae, Sect. i, n. 31), represents the tomb in which the body of Christ was laid, and the latter the ...
him about love and the meaning of Jesus’ life. When Francis finished his sermon he then challenged the Sultan’s imams to a religious test to determine which was the true religion – Islam or Catholicism. The painting below, entitledTrial by Fireby Giotto, illustrates the drama of that ...
day after day for centuries. A consensus of liturgies is, therefore, both in space and time a greater witness of agreement than a consensus of Fathers, for as a general principle it is obvious that people in their prayers say only what they believe. This is the meaning of the well-...
He adds, “For the one and the same Spirit of God, who proclaimed by the prophets what and of what sort the advent of the Lord should be, did by the elders give a just [right] interpretation of what had been truly prophesied” (AH 3.21.4). In short, the Holy Spirit who inspired...
research. As a Catholic, these times have special meaning to me as moments of sacramental and God-given grace. The Church has time-honored traditions that we would do well to understand and to incorporate into these moments of our lives – traditional prayers for a deceased relative, for ...