Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst was born in 1729, the daughter of a Prussian prince. In her teenage years, she was married, unhappily, to a Russian prince who would become Emperor Peter III. She took on the name Catherine, or Ekaterina Alekseyevna. Peter was regarded by some as inept, and aft...
Catherine the Great is known as being the first empress of Russia despite not being of Russian blood. She enacted many reforms and helped to modernize and expand the territory of Russia. Who was Catherine the Great and how did she come to power? Catherine the Great was born in Prussia. Sh...
Once the upstart foreigner stole Russia’s throne, there was no stopping her enlightened reforms, her empire's expansion, and her pursuit of love and legacy.
Elizabeth was born on December 18, 1709 near Moscow, Russia, and she was the daughter of Czar Peter the Great and Empress Catherine I. When her father died, he was succeeded by his grandson (from his first marriage), Peter II, and he treated his half-aunt nicely. Under the reign of ...
Related to Catherine:Catherine the Great (ˈkæθrɪn) n (Biography)Saint.died 307 ad, legendary Christian martyr of Alexandria, who was tortured on a spiked wheel and beheaded Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
Was Peter the Great married to Catherine the Great? What religion was Catherine the Great? Did Catherine of Aragon speak French? Was Catherine of Aragon born in Spain? How did Catherine the Great treat peasants? Was Catherine Parr Protestant?
(5)JANA PULLMAN OBITUARY.Jana Pullman, award-winning book artist and partner of Catherine Lundoff, died February 10. Bryan Thao Worra haswritten a tribute on Facebook. Here is an excerpt: Saddened to learn of the passing of Jana Pullman, whom I’d known for twenty years since first meeting...
Catherine the Great was the longest ruling female monarch in Russian history. The Great Man Theory explains that great and powerful people of the world are products of their environment. No matter who their parents are or what social they were born into the theory believes that this person will...
that their baby had osteogenesis imperfecta and was in pain as his bones were already breaking, Catherine came to Seattle and told April to set aside a day, during which they'd induce labor and she'd have him baptized right in the hospital room, then she could hold him until he died. ...