I’m Catherine D’Ignazio, Director of theData + Feminism Laband an Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning. I’m interested in creative ways to democratize data science, AI, and technology for social justice. I’m the co-author ...
D’Ignazio, Catherine. “The City Formerly Known as Cambridge: A Useless Map by the Institute for Infinitely Small Things.” In Geohumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place, edited by Michael J. Dear, Jim Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson, 46–49. London: Routledge, ...
kanarinka/Catherine D’Ignazio dignazio@mit.edu Twitter/GitHub/BlueSky: @kanarinka Instagram/Threads: @kanarinkaprojects Mastodon: @kanarinka@mastodon.mit.edu LinkedIn: Catherine D’Ignazio kanarinka means female canary in South Slavic. I thank my former capoeira mestre and my dear friend and maid...
Corbyn, Zoe. “Catherine D’Ignazio: ‘Data Is Never a Raw, Truthful Input – and It Is Never Neutral.’” The Guardian, March 21, 2020.https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/mar/21/catherine-dignazio-data-is-never-a-raw-truthful-input-and-it-is-never-neutral. ...
Thanks to Profs. Gabriella Carolini and Larry Susskind and Elizabeth Rule for leading the Indigenous Environmental Planning course from which our collaboration began. Exhibitions DUSP MCP student Patricia Garcia Iruegas presented our co-designed map to community advocates and policymakers at a state-wide...
to envision and work towards the world in which such violence has been eliminated. Specifically, D’Ignazio explores the possibilities and limitations of counting and quantification—reducing complex social phenomena to convenient, sortable, aggregable forms—when the goal is nothing short of the elimin...
Media against feminicide: Narratives, challenges a Join the Data + Feminism Lab this Friday 12-1pm ET When are data useful and when are they a distracti Counting Feminicide: Data Feminism in Action is co Join @wakingwomenhealingint and the @mitdusp Data ...
D’Ignazio, Catherine, Alexis Hope, Alexandra Metral, Willow Brugh, David Raymond, Becky Michelson, Tal Achituv, and Ethan Zuckerman. “Towards a Feminist Hackathon: The ‘Make the Breast Pump Not Suck!’ Hackathon.”Journal of Peer Production8, no. Feminism and (un) hacking (2016). ...
“Data Feminism: D’ignazio and Klein Call Out Inequality in Data.”IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine, Katianne Williams, May 6, 2021. “L’algoritmo è sessista?”Corriere della Sera, Elena Papa, March 17, 2021. “Power Structures, Data Feminism & Inequality.”Ocean Protocol, Diksha Dutta...
A great joy to be in Buenos Aires on International This November 24th, Data Against Feminicide invite Happy Indigenous People's Day! I'm proud to have Join me Wed Sep 29 at 1pm EST @MITdusp @MITLCAU fo Load More...Follow on Instagram...