New training for cathlab / cardiac care unit nursesNew training for cathlab / cardiac care unit nurses - 2016 - Lectures - PCRonlineDanny Mulder
The human body is a remarkable machine, and the heart, its tireless engine. Cath lab technicians play a vital role in keeping this engine humming smoothly. If you’re fascinated by the intricate world of cardiology and the thrill of fast-paced medical environments, a career as a cath lab t...
” Completely revised and updated, the Fourth Edition of Invasive Cardiology: A Manual for Cath Lab Personnel, is written specifically for nurses, technologists, and allied health personnel working in the catheterization laboratory. Topics cover all aspects of the catheterization laboratory including ...
Catheterization laboratory (cath lab) is an essential tool for third-level care of congenital heart diseases. It is a complex unit, involving different operators (physicians, nurses, technicians, etc.) with specific skills, often requiring a specific training before approaching to the unit. ...
CARDIOVASCULAR nursesMEDICAL quality controlPATIENT safetyBLOOD vesselsULTRASONIC imagingMEDICAL equipmentARTERIAL occlusionsCORONARY angiographyHEMOSTASISThe article highlights the critical contributions of Cath Lab nurses and technicians in facilitating safe and successful cardiovascular interventions, especially in ...
Nurses: Providing Angioplasty Patient Care In And Out Of The Cath LabThe Cardiovascular Nurse and Technologist Symposium at TCT 2009 will examine the latest advances in interventional, pharmacologic and clinical/administrative strategies for the management of the cardiovascular patient.Judy Romero...