《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》(好饿的毛毛虫)出自国际顶级图画书大师艾瑞·卡尔之手,问世至今被翻译成五十多种语言,陪伴着全世界的孩子度过一个个美丽的睡前时光。 这是一本纸板书,独特的“洞洞”设计让孩子在阅读的时候,小手抠一抠,增添...
One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and-POP!-out of the egg came atinyand veryhungry caterpillar. 一个星期天的早晨,暖暖的太阳升起来了。砰!从卵壳里钻出一条又小又饿的毛毛虫。 生词: tiny adj. 极小的 hungry adj. 饥饿的 caterpillar n. 毛毛虫 亲子互动: 妈妈:What color is the sun?
The very hungry caterpillar 好饿的毛毛虫 In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on the leaf. 月光下,一个小小的卵,躺在树叶上。 One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and-pop!-out of the egg came a tiny an...
《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》的绘本故事,以一只饥饿的毛毛虫为主角,缓缓展开。从艾瑞克·卡尔的笔下爬出的这只红脑壳、绿身子、高高弓起走路的毛毛虫,以其独特的魅力和成长历程,一路“吞噬”了无数孩子的心。在皎洁的月光照耀下,一片叶子上静静躺着一个微小的卵。One Sunday morning, as the warm sun r...
1 A very hungry caterpillar 非常饥饿的毛毛虫 One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up. Pop! Out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food. From Monday to Friday, he ate many things, but he was still hungry. On Saturday, he ate through on...
1 A very hungry caterpillar非常饥饿的毛毛虫A very hungry caterpillar 非常饥饿的毛毛虫 One Sunday morning,the warm sun came up.Pop!Out of the eggcame a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.He started to look for some food.From Monday to Friday,heate many things,but he was still hungry.On Sat...
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 好饿的毛毛虫 by Eric Carle 作者:艾瑞·卡尔 好饿的毛毛虫 In the light of the moon, a little eggs lay on the leaf. 月光下,一个小小的卵,躺在树叶上。 好饿的毛毛虫 One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up andpop!out of the egg came a tiny and very ...
今天,绮爸给大家带来的是绘本大师Eric Carle(也就是我们已经非常熟悉的卡尔老爷爷)最经典最畅销的代表作——绘本The Very Hungry Caterpillar。它有多畅销呢?——被翻译成47种语言版本,销售超过3000万册!厉不厉害! 这只萌萌的毛毛虫到底有什么魔力,吸引了全世界孩子们的目光呢?不仅是因为独特的洞洞书设计,可以让...
The very hungry caterpillar 好饿好饿的毛毛虫 这还是一本功能性很强的书,他可以无形中帮助孩子认识时间,学习量词,掌握词语的搭配,了解科学常识,蝴蝶是毛毛虫变来的,但是他又不仅仅是一本功能性的书,他还用缤纷的色彩表达了生命的绚烂。 The very hungry caterpillar ...
《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》是有史以来最著名的童年经典之一,由美国儿童文学大师、绘本名家艾瑞.卡尔(Eric Carle)创造,讲述了一条小毛毛虫转化为一只美丽蝴蝶的过程。作品自1969年出版以来,获得许多儿童文学奖项,被翻译成30多种语言。 如果说有一条虫子能畅通无阻地从一个国家爬到另一个国家,那么就是它了。近...