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冲程 四冲程 六冲程 输出功率 500kw 1200kw 冷却方式 水冷 风冷 机油容量 52l 180l 收起筛选 更新时间:2024年11月29日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 实力供应商 已核验企业 查看详情 ¥2.50万/件 广东深圳 二手柴油发电机100KVA美国“机王卡特CAT3208柴油发电机原装进口发电机出售 品牌CAT...
EMAC is a reseller of a wide range of Cat Generator Sets, including Cat diesel generator sets ,Cat marine generator sets and Cat gas generator sets
Generator Set Enclosures Enclosures 6.8-22 kVA SA Enclosure 6.8-22 kVA SA Lvl1, Lvl2 & Lvl3 (B Series) 30-220 kVA SA Lvl 1 Enclosure 24-220 kVA SA Lvl 2 Enclosure WP and SA Enclosures D40-2LC to D60-4LC WP and SAE D40-6 to D200-2 US C9 230-275 kVA ACERT C9 275-330 ...
我们的商用和工业柴油发电机按照世界级标准铸造,效率高、油耗低且符合全球排放标准,功率范围涵盖 6 到 5720 ekW(7.5 到 7150 kVA)。
5.5kw Portable Silent Type Electric Gasoline Generator US$300.00-323.00 20 Pieces (MOQ) 7kVA 7kw Air Cooling Gasoline Silent Portable Generator with Wheels US$360.00-370.00 20 Pieces (MOQ) 8kVA 8kw Small Portable Three Phase Air Cooled Soundproof Electric Diesel Power Generating Sets Zde8600t3 US...
With the launch of these new power ratings, Caterpillar now offers diesel generator sets with industry-leading power densities that range from 850 kVA to 3500 kVA. “Customers evaluate standby power solutions across many dimensio...
This XQP60 generator set provide low fuel consumption performance. With a robust, rental or mobile-ready construction, the product line is designed to be easily transported around project sites safely and efficiently. Heavy-duty bases with integrated for