Caterpillar Inc. today announced the launch of the Cat® G3520 Fast Response natural-gas generator set for 50 Hz applications. This power solution offers market-leading load acceptance and transient response for mission-critical operations using fuel t
Oil and Gas Used Equipment With Cat Used Equipment, you'll find quality options in all age and hour ranges — and at multiple price points to fit your budget. Rental Equipment The Cat® Rental Store is here with equipment rentals and services for any application. Technology Whether it’s...
This allowed the company to grow the engine and generator business in the marine and petroleum markets. We have a diverse marketplace with demand for nearly every Cat product application including underground salt, stevedoring, industrial plant and coastal restoration and have one of the largest ...
Cat Financial provides retail and wholesale financing solutions and extended protection products to Cat customers and dealers for the complete line of Cat machinery and engines, Solar® gas turbines, other related equipment and marine vessels. 1981 | Solar Turbines Solar Turbines was founded in 1927...
Additionally, customers using ESS can reduce fuel costs and GHG emissions when compared to continuous generator set usage. Designed for rapid plug-and-play installation and integration, the Cat Compact ESS module can be used with any combination of diesel, natural gas or renewa...
Oil and Gas $ 1,927 $ 2,247 $ (320) (14 %) Power Generation 2,242 1,835 407 22 % Industrial 928 1,078 (150) (14 %) Transportation 1,419 1,428 (9) (1 %) External Sales 6,516 6,588 (72) (1 %) Inter-segment 1,133 1,081 52 5 % Total Sales $ 7,649 $ ...
Oil & Gas Training Marine Training Power Systems Training How Fleet Management Works Fleet management is not a one-size-fits-all process. We need to understand the unique challenges of your operation, your maintenance and repair practices, and your fleet. Productivity Services Improve productivity an...
and related services across industries serving oil and gas, power generation, industrial, and transportation applications including marine- and rail-related businesses. The Financial Products segment provides financing alternatives to customers and dealers for Caterpillar products and services, as well as fi...
Yes, just to be -- thanks for your question. Just to be clear, when we ship a generator set to an oil and gas customer or for an oil and gas application, we count that as oil and gas, not power generation, just to be clear. So a variety of reasons for the increase. Certainly,...
The Cat® Card is the quick, convenient way to get the parts and services you need for your equipment. Discover ways this unsecured line of credit can help your business or fill out the application in just 5-7 minutes.