Normalized citation impactIn their Brevia "Open access and global participation in science" (20 February, p. [1025][1]), J. A. Evans and J. Reimer report a small but significant citation effect (about 8%) that they attribute to free access to the scientific literature. However, Evans ...
(180 regions per hemisphere106) and assigning samples located within 2 mm of the parcellation voxels; and (v) gene-expression measures within a given brain were normalized first by applying a scaled robust sigmoid normalization107 for every sample across genes and then for every gene across ...
The current is normalized by the number of presynaptic neurons NB. Noisy current replicates background synaptic inputs and obeys: , where η(t) is a white Gaussian noise, , , τn=2 ms and σn=0.009 nA. The sensory and association circuits were each simulated by 128 discrete units...
The pollutants were normalized on the basis of the environmental impact assessment method obtained from Equations (7)–(9). 𝑄𝑠𝑜2=∑𝐾𝑘=1𝑆𝑘𝐹𝑘𝑃𝑘,𝑘=1,2,⋯,𝐾Qso2=∑k=1KSkFkPk,k=1,2,⋯,K (7) 𝑄𝑛𝑜𝑥=∑𝐾𝑘=1𝑆𝑘𝐹𝑘𝑃𝑘,...
SNIP(Source Normalized Impact per Paper): 这个指标考虑了不同学科领域的引用习惯,可以更公平地比较不同学科的期刊。 SJR(SCImago Journal Rank): 这个指标考虑了期刊之间的引用关系,可以反映期刊的学术声誉。 h指数: 这个指标可以用来评估研究人员的学术影响力。 总而言之,影响因子是一个重要的参考...
low-dipping; T4: high-falling) produced by a male native Mandarin speaker. (Right panel) (a) Scatter plot of all stimuli. (b) Scatter plot of male-talker stimuli. (c) Scatter plot of female-talker stimuli. Stimuli dimensions (pitch height and pitch direction) were normalized between 0 an...
例如,CiteScore(基于Scopus数据库的引用次数排名指标)达到6.4,SJR(SCImago Journal Rank)为0.959,SNIP(Source Normalized Impact per Paper)为1.097等。这些指标进一步证明了该期刊在学术界的权威性和影响力。 五、与其他相关期刊的比较 在食品科学领域,《Food Bioscience》与众多...
Therefore, the normalized NRS macro-categories(X1,i*) that represent the consumption of energy (X1,1*), materials (X1,2*) and water (X1,3*) and the normalized EBS macro-categories (X2,j,*) that describe the impact to air (X2,1*), water (X2,2*) and land(X2,3*), can be ...
the sums of sub-country data are not always consistent with the country total (Cui et al., 2023). In this case, we downscale the activity rates of country total to sub-country administrative divisions using the normalized proportional shares of sub-country activity rates to the country total...
同时,对于期刊本身而言,高影响因子也是其学术质量和影响力的重要体现。然而,影响因子并非唯一的评价标准,在实际应用中,还需要结合其他期刊评价指标进行综合评估,如CiteScore、SJR(SCImago Journal Rank)和SNIP(Source Normalized Impact per Paper)等指标,这些指标从不同角度反映了期...