They are very great names indeed which we couple with the explanation of the path of a stone, the droop of a chain, the tints of a bubble, the shadows of a cup. — Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson In On Growth and Form (1917). ...
品牌:美时 规格:W300*D500*H605 颜色:天粉蓝 材质:冷轧钢板 锁具:有 钢板材质为冷轧板,板材厚度0.7mm,环保静电喷涂工艺,厚度<100μm,含防倾倒系统,避免两个抽屉同时打开导致倾斜,三节滚珠全展型路轨,最大装载重量达20kg
商品介绍 商品参数 商品评价(0) 品牌:美时 规格:W400*D500*H605 颜色:天粉蓝 材质:冷轧钢板 锁具:有 钢板材质为冷轧板,板材厚度0.7mm,环保静电喷涂工艺,厚度<100μm,含防倾倒系统,避免两个抽屉同时打开导致倾斜,三节滚珠全展型路轨,最大装载重量达20kg...
实木文件柜板式文件柜板式卷门柜更衣柜茶水柜实木矮柜Corium 侧柜边柜/文件柜 HY-A2902-2 Tu 衣柜 HY-A2217-7 Tu 边柜 HY-A2217-6 Tu 台底柜 HY-A2217-1 觅上-组合电视柜背景柜 HY-MI070-01A Tu 功能柜 HY-A2217-3 Crivelli 酒柜 HY-B1324 Canvas实木书柜/衣柜 HY-A2208-4 Canvas...
Instead, opt for descriptive names like "Marketing Campaign Proposal - Acme Corp - January 2024." Clear, easily searchable, and instantly understandable. Cloud Storage: Your Digital Backup. Once you've created your meticulously organized system, the next step is crucial: back it up! Cloud storage...
Tradenames (or trademarks) are words, names, symbols, or other devices used in trade to indicate the source of a product and to distinguish it from the products of others. The fair value of a tradename in a business combination should reflect the perspective and expected use of the name ...
商品介绍 商品参数 商品评价(0) 品牌:美时 规格:W300*D500*H605 颜色:暖白色 材质:冷轧钢板 锁具:有 钢板材质为冷轧板,板材厚度0.7mm,环保静电喷涂工艺,厚度<100μm,含防倾倒系统,避免两个抽屉同时打开导致倾斜,三节滚珠全展型路轨,最大装载重量达20kg...
商品编号:3189058 对比 雅丹惠业 1090铁对开门柜 KEH-HHBB008 H1090*W900*D400 (荷花白) (单位:个) 正品保障售后无忧增票服务 如您购买的是化妆品,国家药监局提示您:化妆品不能宣称医疗作用,也没有治疗作用,宣称治疗儿童湿疹等皮肤病的产品不属于化妆品。
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柜裕隆 铁皮柜 04 (单位:个) 价格: ¥1200.00 库存: [有货]从就近仓库发货 正品保障售后无忧增票服务 如您购买的是化妆品,国家药监局提示您:化妆品不能宣称医疗作用,也没有治疗作用,宣称治疗儿童湿疹等皮肤病的产品不属于化妆品。 商品介绍 商品参数 ...