When getting a cash refund for purchases, you'll need to record them first using a vendor credit and deposit in QuickBooks Online. Once done, the next process would be linking both of the transactions to keep expenses accurate. To ensure the refund hits the expense acc...
I'm having this same issue. My credit card and bank account are connected to quickbooks, so all of the credit card transactions that I categorize are posting to the P&L and the credit card payments I'm making with my checking account are being posted as expenses too. So the expenses i...
When getting a cash refund for purchases, you'll need to record them first using a vendor credit and deposit in QuickBooks Online. Once done, the next process would be linking both of the transactions to keep expenses accurate. To ensure the refund hits the expense ac...
When getting a cash refund for purchases, you'll need to record them first using a vendor credit and deposit in QuickBooks Online. Once done, the next process would be linking both of the transactions to keep expenses accurate. To ensure the refund hits the expense account, ...
After reading the support articles here I thought this way would not be the right way, but checking on my quickbooks again and doing the split-cost-method, I realised that my option also would have reduced the overall expenses in the right way and also w...
Because it’s doing that it is doubling my expenses in the expense column. I profit and loss statement and balance sheet are all accurate, but this seems like something that should be an easy fix for QuickBooks. Because credit card payments are not considered expenses, remove that from the ...