Problems├── Arrays │ ├──Sorting│ │ ├──Merge Intervals│ │ ├──Merge Sorted Array│ ├── Searching │ │ └──Binary Search│ │ ├──Capacity to Ship Packages Within N Days│ │ ├──Cutting Ribbons│ │ ├──Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array...
programmers are often curious about category theory. Proponents of Haskell and other functional languages can put category-theoretic concepts on a pedestal or in amexican restaurant, and their benefits can seem as mysterious as they are magical. For instance, the most common use of a monad in Ha... - An IDA plug-in, based on sensitive function parameter backtracking to assist in vulnerability miningMutiple types of Cross-site scripting Detection - A very simple reflected XSS scanner supports GET/POST ...