Item Categories - Video Item categories are used to control how purchasable items are reported and how items can be processed.
Finally, the feature marks the score with the lowest percentage value as "dropped" and removes the dropped flag from any other score for that student. As long as the Drop Lowest Score checkbox is marked, this calculation will run each time an assignment score is changed. ...
A specific program or class for your child. Access to specialists. Modifications in the educational program such as curriculum and teaching methods. There are hundreds of unfamiliar terms and acronyms in the IEP process. When you have time,...
Video 1: The IDEA’s Special Education Categories: Autism As an educator, it is a great chance you will have a student with Autism in your classroom. It is important for all educators to be familiar with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Most people view the IDEA as the sole...
This comprehensive research paper looked at the literature and the science to explore the bases for indoor environmental professional (IEP) classification and category determination, but also the science behind the effects of water intrusion on building materials (BM). The efficacy of building...
Creating Categories (Grade Book) - Video Using Categories teachers can group related assignments for sorting and grade calculation. This video demonstrates how to configure assignment categories.