This may seem like the most plausible and morally accurate version of a germline boundary. However, the exact meaning and implication of the principle depends entirely on what those specified conditions are and how accurate and equally exhausting they are. Should a single, necessary condition be mi...
As a consumer of infographics and other visual representations, it can be well worth it for you to ask if the image does justice to the meaning or if it’s even legitimate and sensible to use, or it even makes any sense. For designers, it’s important to consider how the visual may ...
In this article, we develop model structures on the categories [Math Processing Error]R+-Cat and [Math Processing Error]R+-Catsym of Lawvere metric spaces and symmetric Lawvere metric spaces, each of which captures different features pertinent to the study of metric spaces. More precisely, in ...
The experiments reported here are based on the hypothesis that Japanese macaques derive meaning from this temporally graded feature by parceling the acoustic variation inherent in natural contact calls into two functional categories, and thus exhibit behavior that is analogous to the categorical perception...
This is the sigma parameter of the von Mises distribution, which has the same meaning as the imprecision parameter in the traditional mixture model proposed by Zhang & Luck (2008). 2 Note that total = categorical + continuous. For example, a total of 0.90 could be break down into 0.50 cat...
The main downside is that we can not extend the type after the fact, meaning that all interfaces on SO-HOM-OBJ must take the unaltered type. This is in stark contrast to open types. To find out more about the trade offs and usage in the code-base read the section Open Types versus ...
Performance and data profile training strategies. Because BFO is a trainable package (meaning that its internal algorithmic constants can be trained/optimized by the user to optimize its performance on a specific problem class), it needs to define training strategies which allow to decide if a part...
The second goal is to use changes in categorical meaning to explore the macro features of a social system.Smith, Jeffrey ADissertations & Theses - Gradworks
and slices. The copy of the table is in Table3. After the data is arranged into slices, Avati et al. use the counts of various qualitative values as features. Finally, they concatenate the lists of counts for each slice to complete the encoding technique....
commutes. The meaning of the symbols in that diagram is explained by the following instance of (4): (14) We will see later in this paper that operads over unary operadic categories share many features with associative algebras, but also ones that do not have analogs in classical algebra....