Plasma and 24 hour urine metanephrine and normetanephrine were mildly elevated (1.2 times). Plasma aldosterone concentration, plasma renin activity and dexamethasone suppression test were normal. With a diagnosis of a DA-secreting pheochromocytoma, the patient underwent left adrenalectomy. Surgery was...
This is a rare case of a symptomatic pheochromocytoma without elevated urine catecholamines and metanephrines. According to the literature, plasma free metanephrines would be the ideal test for biochemical detection of the tumor. However, in the event that they are not available and there is a ...
Exclusion criteria included self-reported past or present major medical or psychiatric illness, positive urine drug screens, a score of 10 or greater on the BDI, regular tobacco use, ingestion of more than three cups of coffee (or the equivalent) per day, or atypical sleeping patterns (...