This one was tough. This could just as easily have gone to the famous "El Psy Congroo" catchphrase of everyone's favorite mad scientist but, ultimately, "tuturu" is just too adorable to omit. As spoken by Okabe's friend Mayuri, "tuturu" is a greeting similar to "hello" or "hi". I...
Many people around them always mistake Edward's younger brother, Alphonse Elric, as the famous Fullmetal Alchemist due to his appearance. When Alphonse corrects them, people ask how is it possible that such a small guy could be this famous alchemist. Like flipping a switch, Edward practically f...
When you get as famous asDJ Khaledand you've got a self-aware sense of humor, you tend to rack up some hilarious quotes. Not one to get shy when the cameras and microphones turn on, Khaled is always going to give you a show, and a big part of it will usually involve catchphrases...
s original co-anchor on SportsCenter so it was only fitting that he paid homage to his lost friend by doing a highlight reel with many of Stuart’s famous catch phrases. Although Michael Irving sabotages the moving tribute by talking all over it like a mix-tape DJ over a beat, Rich ...
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