Catching Lightning: With Logan Nail, Zander James, Richard Cerato, Rob Faubion. The story of MMA fighter, 'Lightning' Lee Murray, who brawled his way from the mean streets of South London all the way to the UFC - and then took part one of the largest ban
If you saw the video clip ofJustin Turner‘s historic game-winning three-run walk-off home run in Game-2 of the National League Championship Series at Dodger Stadium on October 15, 2017, you know Keith Hupp. He’s the guy who leaned over the side railing of the Left Field Pavilion an...
The next day, there is a huge blizzard, during which Thread constructs several stockades, an official whipping post, and a gallows, as well as a series of machine gun positions perched on the rooftops in the square. While walking in town, Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta see these ugly tools...
The pressure of their season rests on their shoulders in districts, the super regionals, the League Championship Series. I can't name one catcher that has been remembered for losing an important game in MLB history. I don't know if Mitch Williams is allowed back into Philly after the Joe...
Catching up with Bear Grylls is an exercise in itself. The host and star of the Disney +/NatGeo series Running Wild with Bear Grylls, and appointment
At one point during the ceremony, the woman's parents asked her and her partner to step away from the dance floor because the groom's relatives were "upset" that two women were dancing together. "During the reception the bride got up on the DJ stage and said she was going to do anoth...
As of Monday afternoon, one Facebook post about the Nevele fire has 43 comments below it; 10 of them suggest that Jews started the fire for nefarious purposes. A series of other Facebook posts about the hotel blazes in the region have attracted similar comments. ...
Playoff baseball. First, the Tampa Bay Lightning won the Stanley Cup. Now the Tampa Bay Rays are one game away from going to the World Series. A real, notin-memory-only, Field Trip Friday. Masked up, I’m going on an outing with a friend to a craft store. I don’t need anything...
Aleksander Barkov sa po zranení vrátil na ľad presne včas, aby sa rozohral pred Global Series vo svojom domovskom meste Tampere. Fínsky kapitán Panthers vynechal osem zápasov s problémom v dolnej časti tela, ale v pondelok pred odletom do Fínska pomohol gólom a prihrávkou ...
Nová sezóna odštartovala pražskými duelmi Global Series a v zámorí sa ročník 2024-25 naplno rozbehne v utorok. Redakcia vybrala desať najväčších príbehov, na ktoré sa hokejoví fanúšikovia môžu tešiť. Ovečkin na ceste do dejín Ak ...