CHECK_THROWS_WITH(throw "Error!", Catch::Contains("Error")); } // 浮点近似比较 TEST_CASE("精度计算验证", "[math][approx]") { double pi = 3.14159265359; REQUIRE(pi == Approx(3.14159).epsilon(0.0001)); } // Matchers 匹配器 TEST_CASE("字符串验证", "[strings]") { using namespace...
TEST_CASE("Test with number big than 0","[tag1]"){REQUIRE(Factorial(2)==2);} 其中"Test with number big than 0" 是 test case 的名字,全局必须唯一; "tag1" 是标签名,需要放在[]内部,一个 test case 可以有多个标签,多个 test case 可以使用相同的标签。 REQUIRE 是一个 assert 宏,用来判断...
kill test命令是一个用于终止正在运行的测试用例的命令。在Catch2测试框架中,它可以用来模拟测试用例中的故障情况,以验证代码在异常情况下的行为。 Catch2是一个用于C++的开源测试框架,它提供了丰富的断言和测试宏,可以帮助开发人员编写高效、可靠的单元测试。kill test命令是Catch2框架中的一个特殊命令,用于在测试...
CHECK_THAT(lhs, matcher expression) 主要内置Matchers –string matchers:StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, Equals and Matches –vector matchers:Contains, VectorContains and Equals –floating point matchers:WithinULP and WithinAbs REQUIRE_THAT( str, EndsWith( "as a service", Catch::CaseSensitive::No...
However, not all tests can be written as plain unit tests. For example, checking that Catch2 orders tests randomly when asked to, and that this random ordering is subset-invariant, is better done as an integration test using an external check script. Catch2 integration tests are written using...
For example, checking that Catch2 orders tests randomly when asked to, and that this random ordering is subset-invariant, is better done as an integration test using an external check script. Catch2 integration tests are written using CTest, either as a direct command invocation + pass/fail ...
Unlike<random>, Catch2's generators also support 1 byte integral types (char,bool, ...) randomGenerators forfloatanddoubleare now reproducible across different platforms long doublevaries across different platforms too much to be reproducible
Swift 2错误处理模型有两个要点:它们合在一起,可以归结为您的do/catch语句需要捕获每个可能的错误,而...