Catch Up On The Latest Krista With Her Quickfire Interview March 23, 2021 byihouseuadmin 0 comments Krista has built a genuine reputation for herself since the beginning of her career a few years back, which is fuelled by her love for music since the early days of her childhood, combined...
Read about the omnichannel strategies of the leaders in retail and how merchants are helping consumers move seamlessly from store, to web to mobile shopping.
I'd like to catch up with you on how we are handling the escalation. (针对上升案件,我想跟你聊聊我们目前是怎么处理的)此外,还有一个常用的表达方式是catch up on sth.,表示讨论某件事情的最新进展。例如: I need to catch up on the latest developments in the project. (我需要了解项目最新的进展...
aCatch up on the latest news through our Media Releases and Bulletins. Click here if you are looking for the latest Changi air traffic statistics. Better yet, sign up for our news alerts service and we will deliver the news straight to your email box. 理解最新的新闻通过我们的媒介发行和公报...
After launching#SupconnectLivein April, we've interviewed more than a dozen athletes and industry folks to talk all things standup paddling. In case you missed the interviews live on Instagram, we've compiled them all up on ourYoutube channelfor you to check out on demand. ...
Catch Up On The Latest Communications Technologies At Communications Solutions™ EXPO.Previews the Communications Solutions Expo, which will be held in May 2991 in Washington D.C. Tracks targeted toward leading-edge customer contact technologies; Integration of real-world case studies; Information on ...
need to catch up on the latest movies.”(我需要了解最新的电影。)总结来说,“catch up with”侧重于描述追赶或超越某人或某事的状态或结果,“catch up on”则侧重于描述弥补或赶上未完成任务或活动的过程。在使用这两个短语时,根据具体的语境和所需表达的意思选择合适的短语是非常关键的。
The feature that I’m most excited about is the newGo To Basecommand.Go To Baseallows you to easily navigate up the inheritance chain. The command is available on the context (right-click) menu of the element that you want to navigate the inheritance hierarchy. Or you can pressAlt+Home....
2. "catch up on" 也可以表示 "追赶",特别是想要在某一方面跟上他人或行业发展的步伐时,使用 "catch up on" 之后跟所追求的领域。例如: - Our company needs to catch up on the latest technology trends.(我们公司需要赶上最新的技术潮流。) - I need to catch up on my fitness if I want to run...