catch up on news翻译catch up on news翻译 catch up on news翻译是“赶上新闻”的意思,也就是更新最新的新闻信息。随着社会的发展,新闻几乎成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。它可以帮助人们更好地了解世界,从而增强对实际生活的理解力。 在过去的日子里,大多数人都要从报纸或电视上获取新闻,这样他们才能跟上...
首先,Catch-up的本意是“赶上”或“追上”,但在外企里,它的含义被引申为“了解最近的更新”。举个例子,我这周打开日历,发现满屏都是Catch-up会议: Individual Catch-up:这是两人之间的会议,通常是上下级之间的固定频率会议。简单来说,就是两个人坐下来聊聊最近的工作进展。 Bi-week/Fortnight Catch-up:这里的...
1. Catch up with sb./sth. 这是catch up最常见的用法。它的意思是“赶上某人或某事物”,常用于形容某人或某事物的进展速度比自己快,需要加快自己的步伐才能追上。例如: - I need to catch up with my colleagues in terms of sales performance.(我需要在销售业绩方面赶上我的同事。) - He worked hard...
Stretching studios are popping up everywhere as instructors use one-on-one sessions to help people with back, hamstring, shoulder and other stretches. Gyms have started offering classes. But sports medicine doctors say some of the benefits may be overblown, so don’t get too worked up over ...
Catch up: Watch the latest edition of ITV News Meridian (Thames Valley) from Sunday 9th February Sun 9 Feb 6.15pm • Watch the latest edition of ITV News Meridian's Thames Valley programme from Sunday 9th February Share this video Share on FacebookShare on X Copy ...
😎We like to wrap things up on a positive note: A treasure hunter struggling with a faulty metal detectorunearthed a gold nuggetbelieved to be the largest ever found in England. 👋 Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you back here Monday. ...
😎We like to wrap things up on a positive note: TIME Magazine released its list of the world’s 100 most influential people, and some of them might surprise you.Here’s a closer lookat a few you probably don’t know about. ...
Catch up on our latest game under development - Last Full Measure. A brigade-scale game of Civil War battles. The game implements regiments, ranged artillery fire, command, reorganization and recovery, and cavalry charges. Check out the latest here Read
Catch up: Watch the latest edition of ITV News Meridian (West) from Sunday 9th March Sun 9 Mar 6.45pm • Catch up: Watch the latest edition of ITV News Meridian (West) from Sunday 9th March Share this video Share on FacebookShare on X Copy link to share Catch...
Badlands Catch-Up Packs will be able to be opened with the launch of Showdown in the Badlands, on November 14! How Do Catch-Up Packs Work? Here are all the tasty details: Number of Cards:Each Badlands Catch-Up Pack includes 1-10 cards from each of the five included sets, for a tot...