catch up 基本解释 赶上进度;赶上;追上;跟上;达到(标准、水平等);补做;赶做;了解近况;叙旧;牵扯进;卷入 词组短语 1、catch upwith赶上;捕获,擒获,捉拿到(犯错者);和…算旧账;使…最终尝到苦果 2、catch upon补做(工作) 3、catch-up (向别人水平的)追赶 ...
It was a month of catch-up for them. 他们那个月急起直追。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 You walk on and I'llcatch upwith you later. 你往前走吧,我一会儿就赶上你了. 《简明英汉词典》 You ought to lie in tomorrow andcatch upon your sleep. ...
catch up的意思、解释 catch up 基本解释 追上; 吹起; 打断; 把…缠住 catch up 相关例句 ph. 1. 1. They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上。 catch up 网络解释 1. 赶上:但是再怎麼样其实同样的模型还有很多地方可以发展.虽然好东西...
I stopped and waited for her to catch up. 我停下来等她赶上。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 He stopped and let her catch up with him. 他停下了,让她赶上自己。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 Most late developers will catch up with their friends. 绝大多数发育晚的人都将赶上他们的朋友们。《柯林斯...
翻译结果: catch up的意思是“赶上;追上;跟上”。 应用场景:这个短语常用于描述某人或某事物在速度、进度或水平上与另一人或事物相一致或接近的情况。它可以用于工作、学习、生活等多个领域。 造句例句:(1)中文:我必须努力学习,以便能赶上我的同班同学。英文:I must study ...
catch-upn.会合;赶上;拦截;捕获;对接 释义常用度 捕获 对接 赶上 会合 拦截英英释义 动词catch up: reach the point where one should be after a delay learn belatedly; find out about something after it happened 临近词 catch catch up
catch up词典解释 1.赶上;追上;跟上 If youcatch up withsomeone who is in front of you, you reach them by walking faster than they are walking. catch up是什么意思 e.g. I stopped and waited for her tocatchup... 我停住脚步,等她追上来。
“catch up”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 1. 很快拾起 The thief caught up the money and ran away. 小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭。 2. 赶上 They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上。
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