to overtake someone or something moving (usually followed byup, up with,orup to). to take hold: The door lock doesn't catch. play the position ofcatcher: He catches for the Yankees. to become lighted;take fire;ignite: ...
Synonym Chooser How does the verb catch contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of catch are bag, capture, ensnare, entrap, snare, and trap. While all these words mean "to come to possess or control by or as if by seizing," catch implies the seizing of something in motion or...
Synonym: haul verb 1. contract e.g. did you catch a cold? 2. delay or hold up prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned e.g. I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting 3. be struck or affected by e.g. catch fire ...
Synonym:haul verb 双语例句 His ears caught a faint cry 他听到一声微弱的叫声。 I dialled Elizabeth's number thinking I might catch her before she left for work 我拨了伊丽莎白的号码,心里想或许能赶在她去上班前联系到她。 A gust of wind caught the parachute. ...
The meaning of CATCH is to capture or seize especially after pursuit. How to use catch in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Catch.
someone doing something [transitive] to find or discover someone doing something, especially something wrong catch somebody doing something I caught her smoking in the bathroom. You wouldn't catch me working (= I would never work) on a Sunday! catch yourself doing something She caught herself wo...
(v.), attested from 14c., predominant after c. 1800, replacing earliercatched. A rare instance of an English strong verb with a French origin. This might have been by influence of Middle Englishlacchen(seelatch(v.)), which also then meant "to catch" and was more or less a synonym ...
A common phrase is "to catch a cold," which doesn't involve physically catching anything but rather becoming ill with a cold. Similarly, "to catch someone's eye" means to attract someone's attention, "to catch fire" means to become suddenly enthusiastic or popular, and "to catch up" ...
Synonyms for catch out in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for catch out. 1 synonym for catch out: find out. What are synonyms for catch out?
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageCatalog.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageCatalog v17.12.40391 C++ 複製 public: static property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker TryCatch { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker get(); }; Property Value ImageMoniker...