使用continue语句,powershell将从错误中恢复,并且不会输出错误流 function continue_example { trap { "Error trapped" continue } 1/$null "Function completed." } continue_example Error trapped Function completed. 综上,trap是一种比较简单的广范围的错误处理方式,对于更细粒度的错误处理,建议使用try catch语句...
PowerShell - Try/Catch/Retry Article 06/06/2017 Copy # try/catch/fix and continue $tries = 0 while ($tries -lt 2) { try { $tries++ $ErrorActionPreference='Stop' # code I am testing goes here - perhaps with a param argument that needs changing $tries++ } catch { #fixup code...
PowerShell try{ NonsenseString } catch {Write-Host"An error occurred:"Write-Host$_.ScriptStackTrace } 结果类似于: Output An Error occurred: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 2 使用finally 释放资源 若要释放脚本使用的资源,请在finally和try块之后添加catch块。 无论finally块是否遇到终止错误,try...
A try block is the first block of code that executes when an error occurs. It can run any code, but it doesn’t do anything special for errors. If an error occurs, PowerShell will continue executing the rest of the script without waiting for you to deal with the error. A Try Catch ...
that is a terminating error. Terminating errors can be caught and handled. Non-terminating errors allow Powershell to continue and usually come from cmdlets or other managed situations. Under normal circumstances they cannot be caught by Try-Catch-Finally. The Get-Content error in the example abov...
浏览器的兼容性是程序员很头痛的事儿,往往一些出错会让我们查找许久,在使用try catch能更好的解决兼容...
PowerShell v7 +ForEach-Object-Parallel特性使用单独的、基于 * 线程 * 的运行空间来并行执行代码。与...
The$ErrorActionPreferencevariable is used to change the way PowerShell treats non-terminating errors. By default, the$ErrorActionPreferencevalue is set toContinue. Changing the value of the$ErrorActionPreferencevariable toSTOPforces PowerShell to treat all errors as terminating errors. ...
PowerShell妞抉扭我把抉志忘找抆 catch [[<error type>][','<error type>]*] {<statement list>} 妥我扭抑 抉扮我忌抉抗 抉找抉忌把忘忪忘攻找扼攸 志 扼抗抉忌抗忘抒. 圾扶快扮扶我快 扼抗抉忌抗我 批抗忘戒抑志忘攻找, 折找抉 改抖快技快扶找 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 扶快抉忌攸戒忘找...