Otto Kirchheimer's conception of the catch-all party was part of his more comprehensive theory of party transformation, encompassing four interrelated political processes. By tracing the development of the catch-all thesis and placing it within the wider context of Kirchheimer's complete work, it ...
The CDU and the politics of gender in Germany: Bringing women to the party This book develops the concept of the corporatist catch-all party to explain how the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has responded to changing demands from women over the past forty years. Otto Kirchheimer's ...
The Catch-All PartyKirchheimer, Otto. 1990. "The Catch-All Party." In The West European Party System, ed. Peter Mair. New York: Oxford University Press, 50–60.Kirchheimer
Otto Kirchheimer's well-known diagnosis of 'catch-all' partism in Western Europe rests on an implicit causal argument about the consequences of social change for political parties. This article takes up the causal story underlying Kirchheimer's account and traces its implications for a specific,...
The article introduces the current issue, which is concerned with political theorist Otto Kirchheimer's concepts on political parties.WilliamsAssociateMichelleAssociateHaleAssociateEBSCO_AspParty PoliticsMichelle Hale Williams.Catch-All in the Twenty-First Century? Revisiting Kirchheimer’s Thesis 40 Years ...