Coming from the novel of the same name, aCatch-22is a situation where one is trapped by twocontradictoryconditions. It’s more generally used to refer to aparadoxordilemma. Example: to get a certain job, you need work experience. But to get that work experience, you need to have had ...
catch-22 C catch-22 situation Meaning the particular situation in which one cannot win a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of conflicting restrictions a difficult situation a problem from which one cannot get out an unreasonable, irrational, or meaningless situation ...
These idiomatic expressions demonstrate the word's remarkable ability to convey complex ideas in concise and memorable ways. The figurative usage often leans on the core idea of capturing or acquiring something, but the specific meaning is enriched by the context of the idiom. As a noun, 《catc...
21. get in on the act informal to become involved in a profitable undertaking or advantageous situation in order to share in the benefits 22. get one's act together informal to become organized or prepared [C14: from Latin actus a doing, performance, and actum a thing done, from the past...