Can chronic pain be treated without invasive procedures? When non-drug treatments have failed, surgery can be a lifesaver. However, there is scant evidence that surgical intervention is the most effective treatment for body pain. When non-invasive methods have failed, surgical intervention may be c...
A frequently cited paper by Jen and colleagues found a higher in-hospital death rate for patients admitted on the first Wednesday of August. We sought to discover whether intraoperative cataract surgery complications were affected by this changeover. To the best of our knowledge, no such study ...
There was a 34% reduction in the rate of falls overall (rate ratio, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.45-0.96). A total of 16 patients sustained fractures following cataract surgery; 4 of these patients were in the expedited cataract surgery group and 12 in the group with normal wait times. The 1-year...
Censoring occurred at death, dropout, or last visit. We also evaluated recent (surgery within 0-5 years) vs long-term (>5 years) cataract surgery associations with dementia risk. Model assumptions were assessed and found to be tenable. All models were adjusted for years of education, self-...
The Cataract Surgery Rate (CSR), the number of procedures per million people, went over to 1,500 in 2015 in China. The number is expected to reach 2,000, according to the national project for eye health by 2020. China had spent over 100 million U.S. dollars on cataract surgery by 20...
In the past, the only treatment available for this chronic condition was surgery, which by its very nature can lead to serious complications. We must also consider that the replacement of a natural lens with a plastic one leads to a loss in accommodation; in brief a plastic lens is not as...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromafter-cataract) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia cat·a·ract (kăt′ə-răkt′) n. 1.A large or high waterfall. 2.A great downpour; a deluge. 3.MedicineOpacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causin...
Belying the high prevalence of anesthesia use, cataract surgery patients had the lowest rate of perioperative complications, postprocedure hospitalization, and death of all the procedures we studied, even when limiting the cataract cohort to only the patients of ophthalmologists who never used anesthesia...
Selective death of lens epithelial cells using demineralized water and triton X-100 with perfect capsule irrigation capsular bag well inflated intraoperatively, which may allow the isolated, safe delivery of pharmacologic agents into the capsular bag during cataract surgery... Maloof,Anthony J. - 《...
Visual Prognosis and the Development of After-cataract following Cataract Surgery in Atopic Dermatitis PURPOSE: To investigate the visual prognosis, the interval, and the rate of development of after-cataract following cataract surgery in atopic dermatitis. METHODS: Twenty eyes of 13 patients diagnosed ...