Cataract extraction status, right eye, left eye, and unspecified eye B-hyphenscan Ultrasound: CPT codes covered if selection criteria are met: 76512 B-hyphenscan (with or without superimposed non-hyphenquantitative A-hyphenscan) ICD-hyphen10 codes covered if selection criteria are met: B94.0 Sequ...
ICD9366.10, 366.1 ICD10H25,H25.9 SnomedCT155127007,193583005,193582000,193594009,39450006 EnglishSenile cataract, unspecified,Unspecified senile cataract,senile cataract,senile cataract (diagnosis),Senile cataract NOS,cataract senile,Cataract;senile,age related cataracts,age-related cataract,cataracts senile,Age...
The excess fluid exerts pressure in the nerve receiving visual input from the eye, known as the ___. a. oculomotor nerve b. trochlear nerve c. optic nerve d. trigeminal nerve A person has a relaxed corneal wound in ...
In the database of the Medical Records Department of CCPMOH at the ***, which encodes cataract types and ocular abnormalities using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). The patients were anonymized and CC hospitalizations were identified from...