A prospective, 6-month, multicenter, bilateral, randomized, evaluator- and subject-masked trial compared 148 cataract patients implanted with the Tecnis Symfony IOL to 151 cataract patients implanted with a monofocal IOL. The study evaluated visual acuity at near, intermediate and far ranges; contras...
ICD9366.10, 366.1 ICD10H25,H25.9 SnomedCT155127007,193583005,193582000,193594009,39450006 EnglishSenile cataract, unspecified,Unspecified senile cataract,senile cataract,senile cataract (diagnosis),Senile cataract NOS,cataract senile,Cataract;senile,age related cataracts,age-related cataract,cataracts senile,Age...
The study population consisted of 163,663 patients, 3,243 of whom had a history of bilateral intravitreal injections and 160,420 who had no history of intravitreal injections. On the basis of ICD-9 diagnostic codes or OHIP procedural codes, investigators identified 10 "visually significant" compli...
and solutions are urgently needed10. Presently, conventional follow-up plans scheduled by clinicians are one-size-fits-all and are primarily based on personal experience or limited clinical evidence
The time intervals between primary CE and secondary IOL implantation in bilateral (n = 311) and unilateral (n = 90) aphakia were 38.25 ± 16.84 months (5th-95th percentiles: 18–72) and 25.87 ± 10.56 months (5th-95th percentiles: 11–48), with significant difference (p < ...
The medical data include the diagnoses coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, and all procedures performed coded using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD-9) procedure codes and unique NFZ codes corresponding to certain hospital ...