The origin of the experimentally observed [1] density dependence of the muon alpha sticking fraction ωsin muon catalyzed deuterium‐ tritium fusion is investigated. We show that the reactivation probability depends sensitively on the target stopping power at low ion velocities. The density dependence...
An accurate kinetics treatment is applied to the muonic helium atoms formed by a muon's sticking to the charged particle produced in muon-catalyzed d-d and d-t fusion. Cross sections for l- and n- changing transitions are included to describe density-dependent stripping and x-ray production...
exist, suggesting that, in the absence of an order of magnitude decrease in the product of alpha sticking probability times the average energy cost of muon production or significant density enhancement effects, the 碌-d-t reactor will need to be designed as a fusion-fission hybrid or symbiont....
Atomically precise synthesis of graphene nanostructures on semiconductors and insulators has been a formidable challenge. In particular, the metallic substrates needed to catalyze cyclodehydrogenative planarization reactions limit subsequent applications
(colored green) superimposed over that in complex with compound12(colored magenta) and SA (colored yellow) with a r.m.s.d of 0.1, indicating Cpz10 undergoing less extent of conformational change after formation of compound12and SA. 2Fo-Fcelectron-density maps are contoured at 1σ (...
The final model of the EfeB-heme complex contains four protein molecules in the asymmetric unit, termed A, B, C, and D. Each monomer includes residues 48–422 and unambiguously binds to a heme molecule according to the electron density map. No electron density is observed for residues 36–...
·apoH-K64A ternary complex is almost the same as that of the LplA·octyl-AMP·apoH-protein complex, including LplA, lipoyl-AMP, and the contact regions of apoH-protein with LplA; however, the structure could not be determined completely because of insufficient electron density of the ...
Kinetics of muonic helium in muon-catalyzed d - d and d - t fusion An accurate kinetics treatment is applied to the muonic helium atoms formed by a muon's sticking to the charged particle produced in muon-catalyzed d-d and d-t fusion. Cross sections for l- and n- changing ...
A mechanism is described which could explain the recently observed density (φ) and tritium-fraction (C) dependence of the muon-loss probability in muon-catalyzed d-t fusion. The effect is due to a hypothetical side path in the main catalysis cycle. It is proposed that the lifetime of a ...
It was found that the stripping efficiency was largely depressed by ion鈥揺lectron capture processes that have not been considered so far. Improvement of the fusion chain cycles is rather difficult with an RF electric field strength of 50 MV m$^{-1}$ even at a small deuterium/tritium (D/...