and atmospheric pressure of a naphtha of s.g. 06574.YAMAGUCHI GOROKOMATSU SUSUMUFUKUMOTO TETSUOUS3694379 * 1970年4月1日 1972年9月26日 Goro Yamaguchi Catalyst for catalytic cracking or steam reforming of hydrocarbons and process for producing the catalyst...
less than steam cracking. DCC Operating Conditions II. SINOPEC DCC Process Main Characteristics II. DCC (Deep Catalytic Cracking) Maximizing productions of propylene, butylenes & naphtha with high content of aromatics and octane number using heavy oil (VGO, Deasphalted oil, Coker gas...
steam catalytic crackingiron oxidemixed metal oxidesThe subject of regeneration of spent carbonaceous adsorbents has been discussed. The results of thermal regeneration of activated carbon, which was used for adsorptive cleaning of wastewaters containing synthetic biocides, has been presented. Regeneration ...
The invention relates to an anti-coking steam circular pipe capable of reducing coking of a catalytic cracking settler and is mainly used for solving such problems of the catalytic cracking settler as serious coking and more shut-down accidents in the prior art. The problems can be well solved...
Thus, catalytic cracking needs less energy for the process as a whole. Moreover, catalysts like zeolites are used that increase the quality of the product which is on par with the motor engine fuel thereby reducing the need for other processing. Thermal pyrolysis is limited to refineries as ...
We present here the results obtained for high temperature steam catalytic cracking (SCC) of a representative naphtha product (n-heptane) with ZSM-5. It has been found that under those conditions the presence of steam produces an irreversible dealumination of the zeolite as well as a reversible ...
Refining UOP Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) and Related Processes Introduction UOP licensed catalytic cracking processes include the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process, the Resid FCC (RFCC) process, MSCCSM process and the PetroFCCSM process. All of these pr...
[102]. The world needs a paradigm shift toward more bottom-up manufacturing from our most abundant, small-molecule feedstocks, i.e. water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, instead of the current top-down approach of cracking oil and coal for the production of fuels and valorized chemicals (Fig...
steam) used in the regenerator of FCC units. Due to this, it was considered that the unit cell size (a0) was the unique parameter determining the activity and selectivity of Y zeolite during catalytic cracking [179]. However, it was found that the cracking behavior of dealuminated Y ...
The technologies for direct liquefaction by thermal conversion all achieve the first conversion objective in the same way, namely, bythermal cracking (Figure 12.2). When the temperature is high enough there is enoughthermal energyavailable to lead to bond dissociation. Thermal cracking is a free rad...