You create a class map by using the class-map global configuration command or the class policy-map configuration command. You should use the class-map command when the map is shared among many ports. When you enter the class-map command, the switch enters the class-map configurat...
Note Catalyst 2960ports can receive, but not send, pause frames. You use the flowcontrol interface configuration command to set the interface's ability to receive pause frames to on, off, or desired. The default state is off. When set to desired, an interface ...
able secret is a password used to protect access toprivileged EXE C and configuration modes. This password, afterentered, becomes e ncrypted in the configuration.Enter enable secret(要求输入特权模式进入密令): The enable password is used when you do not specify anenab le secret password, with ...
4 设置主机名 switch#configtermEnterconfigurationcommands,oneperline.EndwithCNTL/Z.switch(config)#hostnameswitchswitch(config)#endswitch#copyrunning-configstartup-configBuildingconfiguration...Compressedconfigurationfrom5984bytesto2218bytes[OK]CopyrightHoareLecture.Allrightsreserved.5 设置IP地址 ...
思科2960初始化配置CONSOLE口 1.建立PC到路由器的物理连接,用RS232 CONSOLE线(随交换机带)连接路由器CONSOLE接口和PC的COM口。 2.在计算机上使用超级终端:打开“开始-程序-附件-通讯-超级终端—新建超级终端”,首先为新建连接设置名称。 然后,设置连接用端口,一般选择COM1,再设置连接参数,设置参数如下:每秒位数为...
1、思科Catalyst 2950/2960初始化配置 新购的思科交换机往往都没有说明书, 要进行初始化配置,一般都需要专业的网 络工程师,通过用 CISCCM机带CONSOLE,一端连在CISCg换机的CONSOLE 口,一端连在计算机的COW进行设置,这个我们下次再谈,先谈谈菜鸟级的配 置。实际上思科Catalyst 2950/2960已经具备了 WEU勺初始化设置...
Cisco_Catalyst-2960_简明配置手册——[网络知识 CCNA].pdf,Cisco Catalyst 2960 简明配置 首次设置交换机时,应当使用快速设置输入初始 IP 信息,这将使交换机能够连接至本地路 由器和互联网,然后可以在日后配置时通过此IP 地址访问交换机。 运行快速设置的步骤: 1. 确认
entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enter enable secret(要求输入特权模式进入密令):*** The enable password is used when you do not specify an enable secret password, with some older software versions, and some boot images. Enter enable password(要求输入特权模式进入密码):*** The vir...
Cisco Catalyst 2960 简明配置 首次设置交换机时,应当使用快速设置输入初始IP信息,这将使交换机能够连接至本地路由器和互联网,然后可以在日后配置时通过此IP地址访问交换机。 运行快速设置的步骤: 1.确认没有任何设备连接至交换机,因为在快速设置期间交换机作为DHCP服务器使用,所以在开始操作前应将个人电脑设置更改为...
vty或line console命令 Switch(config- line)# 输入exit命令 vlan配置模式全局配置模式输入 vlandatabase命令 Switch(vlan)#输入exit命令 . CopyrightHoareLecture.Allrightsreserved. 2 switch#showstartup-config switch#showrunning-config switch#erasestartup-config Erasingthenvramfilesystemwillremoveallconfiguration...