Experiments may be designed to test the effect of temperature or substrate (sucrose) concentration on the invertase reaction. The results mirror each other no matter what method is used (Appendix 1). PROCEDURE Preparation of yeast spheres A day or two before the lab period, make a 2% sodium ...
The wild type (WT) and the katA null and promoter mutant (katA, p1m, p2m, and p1p2m) cells were statically apNnlaadNteaO.nT2aheoerronibnuimcLaBblleybrrcsouitnlhtdu(irpceaHdtef6ot.h5r e)7(ldo−ag)y(.csTfiuenn)L-ofBfotlbhdreoseathrpipa(plliHceedl6lb.d5ai)cltutertreiioa...
[42,44]. Briefly, a computer assisted freezing machine (IceCube 1810; Sy-Lab, Purkersdorf, Austria) was used; during the first step, liquid nitrogen was pumped into the chamber to decrease the temperature to +5 °C. The straws were placed into the chamber and the temperature further ...
For training the ANN, the 2.100 reference spectra were divided into a training set (8 spectra of each strain), a set for internal validation (1 spectrum of each strain) and a test set (1 spectrum of each strain). External validation of the ANN was performed by using 173 strains of ...
Previous data from our lab in the form of tumor histology, performed on tumors 7 days after treatment with alum-bound protein, suggests the vast majority of protein is outside the cells [48]. Although the intracellular catalase approach does not achieve the same level of additional catalase ...
Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research ...
This observation agrees with other genetic association studies on type 2 diabetes mellitus cohort in our lab [90] and in Caucasians [91]. Genotype combination analysis for the significantly associated four SNPs with the risk of obesity development in the present study revealed that four common ...
it was decided to use SD catalase with TD at MR and HR to understand how the results from MD would translate to lab-scale SD. The addition of TD at HR led to a lower moisture content. Different from MD, in SD, higher activities were observed when SD was in the presence of TD at ...
)I.d Idenentitcicaalla ammiinnoo aacciidd rreessiidduuaalsl saraer eshsahdaedde idn ibnlabclka,c akn,da snidmsiliamr ailmarinaom aicnido acid resiTrdehuseiad mlusuaallstri eparlseeh psahrdoaetdedeindi n sienpq ipunienknk.c.e TT ...
IeImmrgaaeggdeeslsigoohfftee.ppRiiedddeerrammrraaollwcceeslll1lss, c2caa, ppatntuudrree3dd, iuunssdiiinncggatvvediissiitbbhlleee plliilggahhsmtt,, aggrrmeeeeennmfflbluuraoonrreeess, ccceeynntocceep,,labbsllumuee, fflalnuudoorrneeussccceelennuccese,,, raaennsddpemmcteeirrvggeeeldyd.ll...