网络殉道者墓窟;地下墓穴 网络释义
Catacombs of RomeLombards
Wikipedia cat·a·comb (kăt′ə-kōm′) n. 1.oftencatacombsAn underground cemetery consisting of chambers or tunnels with recesses for graves. 2.An underground, often labyrinthine passageway. [From Frenchcatacombes(plural), from Middle FrenchCathacombes,the name of a complex of Christian cataco...
LASER-wikipedia2 With the so- called conversion of Constantine in 313 C.E., the catacombs became the property of the Church of Rome, and some ultimately assumed colossal proportions. 君士坦丁在公元313年成为了名义上的基督徒之后,地下墓窟纳入为罗马教会的产业,有些墓窟的规模最后还发展得极为庞大...