WoW Classic Cataclysm Ranged DPS Tier List Following up on our Cataclysm melee DPS tier list, we'll be applying similar criteria to evaluate ranged DPS performance. The parameters include raid performance (how much DPS they contribute on average), what they bring to the raids, and t...
Best B-Tier classes in WoW Cataclysm Combat Rogue Combat Rogues were strong in Cataclysm in terms of overall DPS(Single, Cleave). However, they were made much harder to play compared to its Wrath of the Lich King iteration, and they generally performed better during Cleave fights rather than ...
Season of Discovery Hotfixes, July 17thHere come more hotfixes!WoW ClassicJul 18, 2024at09:07byStarym Tier 0 Coming to Vendor in Season of DiscoveryWe have some good news for dungeon runners! Blizzard have announced that Tier 0 set items will also be purchasable from the Undermine vendor sta...
This is the one criticism that's actually legit. I agree Earthquake lacks a little oomph for an end-of-tier talent, but I wouldn't want to lose it as a spell; it's a valuable addition to our arsenal. Stats: Intellect: Our main stat. Now provides Spellpower, in addition to small ...
Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes for December 11: Mage Shatter and Hunter Tier 12 December 12, 2024 • Luxrah Two small hotfixes have gone live for Cataclysm Classic: one for Mages and one for Hunters. Some Mage spells were benefiting from Shatter when they weren’t supposed to, a… Cataclysm Cl...
Temporarily removed the Elemental Shaman (2) Set Bonus on the Burning Crusade Tier 4 set. Developer’s note: The 2 Piece Elemental Shaman Tier 4 bonus has a bug that existed in original Cataclysm, but was found later on in Warlords of Draenor. If this bonus were to remain in its bugged...
Temporarily removed the Elemental Shaman (2) Set Bonus on the Burning Crusade Tier 4 set. Developer’s note: The 2 Piece Elemental Shaman Tier 4 bonus has a bug that existed in original Cataclysm, but was found later on in Warlords of Draenor. If this bonus were to remain in its bugge...
Other Materials - [Volatile Life]/ [Volatile Earth]/ [Volatile Air]/ [Volatile Fire]/ [Volatile Water] (elemental motes), [Deepstone Oil] (created from [Albino Cavefish], like [Pygmy Oil]), [Chaos Orb] (first tier orb) TalentsExtensive...
But as with all professions in Cataclysm, you can train all levels of the skill at any Archaeology trainer. You’ll need to train the next tier of the skill every 75 levels before you can progress any further.Archaeology TrainersThere is an Archaeology trainer in every major city. Here are...
These marks can then be turned in to NPCs to open up individual daily quests, unique daily quest chains (detailed further below), up to four vendors selling a brand-new tier of gear, and important fortifications including a moonwell, an armory, and a legion of Ancients. You'll have a ...